Professional Development Virtual Series

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We are proud to introduce the Mindsets for STEM and Beyond virtual series. This four-part series creates an opportunity for faculty and staff in STEM, and additional departments, to explore growth mindset research, identify equity gaps and apply strategies learned to create an inclusive educational experience for all students. 

After completing the first three sessions, the capstone to the Mindsets in STEM and Beyond certificate is a Theory to Action Project, which serves as a demonstration of the learning that transpired throughout the completion of this series.

An example of what a theory to action project could be is: creating and using a suite of feedback statements in your courses during the fall 2020 semester. Our facilitator, Dr. Diana Bowen, FL-C LSRCE staff and participating peers will provide support in developing and implementing projects.

Upon completing the project, participants will earn a Mindsets for STEM and Beyond Certificate of Completion, an Amazon gift card, a travel award to present at the 2021 Mindsets for STEM conference (if travel restrictions are lifted), and an opportunity to collaborate on research publications or presentations with the FL-C LSRCE team. For information, contact Dr. Lawanda Cummings.